Rai Premium: 2017 Idents & Presentation

Rai Premium introduced new presentation on 10 April 2017. Special thanks to Pierfrancesco for capturing the presentation on this page.


Rai Premium Main Ident 2017 © Rai

Rai Premium Dark Ident 2017 © Rai

Rai Premium Light Ident 2017 © Rai

Other Presentation

Rai Premium Schedule Menu 2017 © Rai

Advertising Presentation

Rai Premium Advertising Bumper Dark 2017 © Rai

Rai Premium Advertising Bumper Light 2017 © Rai

Rai Premium Advertising Bumper Short 2017 © Rai

Rai Premium Framed Advertising Graphics 2017 © Rai

Rai Premium Full Screen Advertising Graphics 2017 © Rai

News Presentation

Rai Premium News Intro 2017 © Rai

Rai Premium News Outro 2017 © Rai